Online econometric coaching

Welcome to Online econometric coaching
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Economtric approches EVIEWS& STATA
Data management
Panel unit root testing
Data transformation
Pooled regression
Time series model selection
Fixed effects model
Descriptive statistics
Random effects model
Correlation matrix
Hausman test
Simple regression
Dynamic ordinary least square (DOLS)
Multiple regression
Fully modified ordinary least squares (FMOLS)
Time series Unit root test
Panel Cointegration
Logit & probit model
Panel unrestricted VAR
Optimal lag selection
Panel VECM
Time series cointegration
Time series Unrestricted VAR
Panel Granger Causality
Time series restricted VAR(VECM)
Panel GMM model
Variance Decomposition
Feasible generalized least squares(FGLS)
Impulse response function
Panel corrected standard errors (PCSE)
Time series error correction model
Heteroskedasticity testing
Time series granger causality
Normality of Residuals testing
Time series ARDL
Time series NARDL
Other diagnostics  for panel data
Time series Toda and Yamamoto
Multicollenearity testing
Serial correlation testing
Graphical representation of data

SPSS applications
Graphical presentation of data
Descriptive statistics
Checking structural breaks
Correlation matrix
Creating dummy variables
Reliability analysis
Serial correlation testing
Validity analysis
Multicollinearity testing
Principal component analysis
Heteroskedasticity testing
Simple regression
Normality of Residuals testing
Multiple regression
Cure of  serial Correlation, Heteroscedasticity and Multicollenearity
Computation of variables
Parameters stability checking
Missing Values Analysis
Reshaping data(data stacking)
Mediating Analysis
Frequency conversion of data
Moderation analysis
Other Diagnostics for time series models