KSE & WDI Data

  1. WDI data of all countries till 1960-2015 of all indicators.   Here
  2. Trading Economic Data Here
It is acknowledge that all the data is downloaded from central bank's official website 
  1. KSE listed companies financial statements data (NON-FINANCIAL) from 1999-2004 Download
  2. KSE listed companies financial statements data (NON-FINANCIAL) from 2005-2010 Download
  3. KSE listed companies financial statements data (NON-FINANCIAL) from 2004-2009 Download
  4. KSE listed companies financial statements data (NON-FINANCIAL) from 2008-2013 Download 
  5. KSE listed companies financial statements data (NON-FINANCIAL) from 2009-2014 Download
  6. KSE listed companies financial statements data (FINANCIAL) from 2006-2009  Download
  7. KSE listed companies financial statements data (FINANCIAL) from 2009-2013 Download
  8. KSE listed companies financial statements data (FINANCIAL .pdf) from 2010-2014 Download In EXCEL Download